Continuing my series of randomly generated names for fictional U.S. states that sound similar to the existing ones. This time, I’ll tackle the Mid-Atlantic states. Grand Theft Auto, from Rock Star Games, has been there before me, allowing players to be one of the bad guys stealing cars from “Aldernay” (New Jersey) and its urban area of New Guernsey. (On the West Coast, Los Santos, San Fierro, and La Ventura served the same function, subbing in for Los angeles, San Francisco, and Las Vegas, respectively.) What other states may have been up and down the Eastern Seaboard, full of Ferraris and Corvettes to steal?
Imaginary U.S. States, Mid-Atlantic Region
New Jellan New Selensay New Zymnsy New Jelensea New Saltsea New Sedgsey New Talsey |
New Yorth New Gark New Orb New Lork New Thork Newbart Near Tors |
Penbrynnia Sylvandelle Finsvania Penshania Penzurulia Hannalania Pennydonia |
Delawine Delawater Delamid Zelawara Deletabar Deladelphia Deliezare |
Virbenia Vorinia Virgaia Vigorica Virzinia Virgambra Virgonea |
Monyland Manyfeather Mayfair Marasand Ruthyland Maryfast Maraeland |
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[…] looked at alternate U.S. states before on this site here and here, but frankly, where things really start to get whacky is on the West Coast. But you knew that, […]