The Day the Wires Came Down, by Ornicar
Steampunk, a term coined in the mid-1980s, is a catch-all term for artistic design and subject matter that harks back to the Victorian Age, when steam-powered machinery and clockwork mechanisms began to drive the Industrial Revolution. The term was invented by SF writer K.W. Jeter in a tongue-in-cheek reference to Cyberpunk. But the term and its aesthetics did not pass into popular culture until the 1990s, when, in a one-two punch, William Gibson and Bruce Sterling, both Cyberpunk pioneers, released The Difference Engine, and the California Disneyland revamped its Tomorrowland design into a Jules Verne-inspired vision of the future that never was. The ball started rolling after that.
Need some inspiration? Here are some randomgenned Steampunk novels that have yet to be written.
Steampunk Novels
Steel Rubies
Winter Mercury
The Thousand Year Calculation
Gears of Beguilement
The Zeppelin Corset
Cryptic Breath
The Iron Daughter’s Tale
Clockwork Ghosts
An Occurrence at the Iron Circus
Fallen Alchemy
The Hypnogogic Guest
The Electric Duchess
Our Lady of the Silver Turbines
The Iron Cloister
The Ivory Juggernaut
The Case of the Wind-Up King
The Steam-Driven League
The Steel Parasol
The Automated City
Jade Leviathan
A Numerologist of Valor