Mornaieus Unholy Heart, when cast by an evil cleric, corrupts even the noblest Paladin.
I know it is Christmas and therefore this list should be something related to that. OTOH, who can resist a bunch of weird spells culled from my daily Twitter feed through 2019?
Magic Spells II
Honoyin’s Screaming Toad: Makes an ordinary toad emit a loud scream when some event occurs (trespassers enter, a fire is lit, etc.)
Prudent Path: Enables the caster to choose the safest way through an area if given a choice of several trails. Teriffaden’s Dirty Fire: A magical fire that burns dirt instead of wood. The flames are brown in color. Persuasive Raiment: Changes the caster’s clothing so they can blend easily into a crowd. Mornaieu’s Unholy Heart: When cast on a cleric of good alignment, this spell inches them gradually toward chaotic evil. Sightcount: Allows the user to count items with a single glance. The most powerful version allows them to sightcount up to 100,000. Gem of Random Shapechanging: Disguises a valuable gem as a small, worthless item like pebble, matchstick, corn kernel, etc. varying the form throughout the duration of the spell. Closet of Interdimensional Terror: Turns an ordinary closet into a torture chamber that reduces victims to gibbering fright-filled idiots. Muncie’s Fanged Mummy: Gives any undead mummy poisonous fangs and a +2 to strike. Mortal Debridement: Cleanses the soul of past sins, but at great pain to the recipient. (Clerical spell) |