Harry Potter seduces Professor Snape with the Christmas gift of a book
Most Christmas songs are recognizable by their titles. There’s something Merry, something Snow, maybe something God or Jesus. Sometimes there’s an anomaly, like “I Want a Hippopptamus for Christmas.” But mostly it’s white bread.
Here’s some titles yet to be used for your self-created Christmas tunes.
Christmas Carols
Young Father Christmas
The Old Gray Sled A Shiny Christmas All Around Us Peaceful Mary by the Fire Twenty Boughs of Holly March ‘round the Eggnog Bowl The Fifty Bells of Christmas Ho Ho Ho in the Snow A Jack Frost Holiday Krampus Down the Mountain In the Snow is a Manger Old White Pine Tree What Reindeer Said This? Jolly Joyful Old St. Nick The Bright Town of Bethlehem Blessed Are the Elves Who Work on Christmas Eve Father Christmas is Coming Snoopy’s Sleigh Ride Young and Jolly Sinter Klaas Peaceful are the Wise Men Ho Ho Holly Evergreen Hang a Child’s Silver Star |