The Water-Babies, 1909, illustrated by Warwick Goble
If you are like me, you probably wish The Voyage of the Dawn Treader had gone and on, with Caspian and crew exploring ever more exotic places. That book remains unwritten, but here’s some randomly generated islands they might have explored, if they’d had time.
Other Islands of Narnia
Ashvows: Several Star People live on this tropical island which, from above, looks like a bird in flight.
Aslan’s Spire: An island said to lie in an ocean off the west coast of Narnian with a central mountain several miles high… so high it actually pierces the sky. Birdburn Island: A smoking volcanic island off the northern coast of Narnia that erupts every few years. Just visible on it are the remains of a great city half-buried in the lava flows. Bottlemarch: A group of low, humped rocks ten leagues to the east of Cair Paravel. They resemble floating bottles which is how they got their name. Butterhelm: A two-lobed, roughly heart-shaped island consisting of a flat, grassy tableland between high hills. It was settled by centaurs during Narnia’s Golden Age. Carafaine: An island kingdom in the south-central part of the Great Eastern Ocean, roughly circular with a trailing irregularly shaped peninsula. It was settled by Narnians around the year 600. The climate is tropical yet comfortable and the kingdom self-sufficient, so few traders come. Churmadon: A sandy islet in the north of the Great Eastern Ocean. The only plants are sea grasses. Some primitive humans live here in small huts, surviving by fishing and harvesting mussels. Fox Rock: The reddish peak of an extinct volcano that pokes above the sea to the east of Terebinthia. A haven for pirates who utilize its sea caves. Goldjoust: A legendary island with a kingdom that hosts continual jousting contests, the prize being the winner’s mount’s weight in gold. Any kind of mount is accepted, not just horses. Hag’s Tangle: A southern atoll surrounded by seaweed and sea plants of all shapes and sizes in which boats can become trapped. The only Calormene explorers to reach the actual island report it was filled with lizards, poisonous snakes, and sea crocodiles. Hermit’s Hell: A vegetated sandbank off the eastern coast of The Great Desert. No hermits, but plenty of wild pigs which meant humans once lived there. Kingsands: A small atoll with a blue saltwater lagoon lying to the southeast of The Lone Islands. It has sparse, bushy vegetation. The sand is sparkling white and many rare shells wash up on the beaches. The only things living here are shorebirds. Loudfolly: A lightly forested, rocky island. It is covered with mountains in its eastern part out of which a large, noisy waterfall cascades down to the beach. Nymph’s Heart: This cross-shaped small island is thickly forested and inhabited by Talking Beasts. It is located off the coast of Galma. Penandia: A large island to the northeast of the Seven Isles, a two days’ journey according to sailors, that is home to seabirds and marine mammals like sea lions. No one has ever penetrated its interior because of the rough, jagged cliffs that surround it, but some visitors have seen humans waving from the top. Pinekeep and Blistercast: Two small islands that are part of the Lone Islands group, and thus part of Narnia. After King Caspian retook the islands, the slaves that were freed settled them. Puddleglum’s Rock: Named in honor of the brave Marsh-wiggle, this tiny island lies just off the marshes and is reachable on foot during exceptionally low tides. Currently Talking Owls and Talking Eagles live there. Queen’s End: Only Galman explorers have ever visited this large northern island. They have never sailed completely around it, giving rise to the speculation it is a microcontinent and not an island. What little of it that was seen was bare and rocky, dusted with snow. Raven Island: A medium-sized hilly island twenty miles off the coast of Archenland. Many Talking Beasts live here. Nominally it is under the guardianship of the Kingdom of Narnia. Reepicheep’s Rush: Some legends say the noble Talking Mouse Reepicheep spent the night here fasting and praying before sailing to Aslan’s Country. The island is small and bar-shaped, covered with green grass and copses of trees, and lies off the coast of Ramandu’s Island. Rhince’s Cairn: A small islet said to have been discovered by Rhince, the first mate of the fabled Narnian Ship Dawn Treader, when it was returning to port. It held a clear, sweet spring and a mysterious shaped pile of white, polished rocks with strange carvings on them. Sweetstone: A small island on which a clan of Dwarves has a mine. The climate is semi-tropical and much of it is farmed. Dwarves also mine guano from the seacliffs on the eastern side. Some fauns and satyrs live here also, helping to herd the sheep and tend the vineyards. The Harewealdhs: An isolated island chain in the central-north Great Eastern Ocean. Heavily forested, with pines, cedars, and other evergreen trees. The animals that live here are dwarfed versions of their mainland counterparts. Though in rough, subarctic seas the climate is mild because of a warm current. No kingdom has ever claimed these islands. The Lion’s Maze: A volcanic island chain of the far south. The islands are made of black and dark brown solidified lava twisted into spires or worn by the sea into domes and pillows. Only small boats can navigate between the islands because of the sharp underwater rocks. Some islands have tropical forests but all remain unexplored. Calormene sailors are deathly afraid of this place while followers of Aslan feel at peace. The Redcastles: A small island chain named for its rock formations, which at sunrise and sunset look like the red-gold towers of a fantastic castle shimmering above the sea. The islands themselves are bare and rocky with tufts of grass growing between the cracks. There is no animal life here, but the largest island has a freshwater spring. Wyglade: A small spindle-shaped island lying at the center of the Bite of Calormen. Dryads and Naiads are said to live there, casting spells on the currents so they carry away any human ship that tries to approach it. Zhedad: A tropical island that lies in the center of an atoll with an extensive coral reef around it. A wizard lives there, researching the secrets of the sea. Close to this lies the tiny island of Fireferry, on which dwell a group of good-natured witches. Both islands are filled with parrots and other tropical birds, as well as small tapirs and deer, wild spotted cats, and Talking Coatimundi. |