Rakshasa by Svetoslav Petrod
Wherever there’s a fantasy world, there’s probably some sort of fantasy drug. Robert E. Howard’s Conan had Black Lotus, and inhabitants of Phillip Jose Farmer’s Riverworld had Dream Gum to chew. Tolkien gave the Hobbits and Gandalf pipe-weed, or tabac, to smoke, which was likely tobacco and NOT marijuana. If you’re wondering why I included pipe-weed in here, it’s because nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known, and unfortunately Tolkien lived in a time when its adverse effects were not publicized. Other fictional recreational substances include “milk of the poppy,” mirthweed, and denner resin. For gaming, there’s 100 different made-up drugs and effects for your perusal here.
If you just want some names, look no further!
Recreational drugs for a fantasy world
Satyr Drool
Starjunk Queen’s Sleep Purple Powder Aurora Ice Dirtystalk Ecsta-buds Crystal Chip Jolly Whore Dragon’s Candy Blow Roll Starkiss Glowhead Giggle-nuts Merry-berries |
Frisky Weed Hallucimilk Pooka Girl Sniff-spark Loony Leaf Dreamroot Godweed Skymilk Starpods Dirty Cookies Demongrass Heavenly Pink Headhook Skyplunge |