The letter C, plastered with comic book images.
The letter C has an identity problem: it doesn’t have a distinct sound of its own. You can pronounce it with either the sibilant hiss of the letter S (as in censure) or the harsh spit of the K (as in cocoa.) Only when paired with an h does it come into its own: church, Bach, chrysoprase. It’s a copycat of a letter. Even from first grade, when I started to read, it came across as dishonest.
Yet, it has a certain elegance. That shape, for one thing, which lends itself well to cursive and creative ornamentation. It’s associated with wealth and tradition: chandelier, champagne, celebration, Chesapeake. It’s also insanely onomatopoeic. Click, clang, crickets chirping, catastrophic caca, ch-ch-ch-ch-changes.
Here’s some randomgened fantasy names that start with C.
Character names beginning with C
Clytis Cutrian Chasrin Claudvere Chansar Curmas Caeestian Cithernt Cheffald Camguy Cavnu |
Clopha Chloine Clythene Cleorabia Cirvissa Chrysique Chyrlethanwe Clarfavette Ciranda Cleirama Catendra |
Crefflod Canishfield Cressmonk Cantreece Clabittern Chessblue Caraboss Cadplum Cassilk Cranbeach Chipton |