From left to right: the imaginary Cupcake Nebula; the Apus Star Cluster; and the Nu Pavonis Cloud Complex.
Like imaginary galaxies, imaginary nebulas are also simple to create. These three were done in Wombo, which is designed specifically to make trading card NFTs. But it’s also fine for other stuff.
These randomgens were tweaked in Write With Transformer, so if some of them don’t make sense, that’s why. WWT is part of the Hugging Face family of AI text and image generators, and there are many, many, fine free ones at the base site to fool around with.
Deep Sky Objects
Antlia Sextet, located 3,848 million light years away. Three elliptical galaxies, a supergiant spiral, and two large irregular galaxies locked in a death dance which will end in an eventual merger.
Apus Star Cluster, 13 million light years away. Star-forming cloud that has been orbiting the Milky Way for millions of years. Contains an exo-rythritoid subcluster with three million stars, including a million triple star systems. It is the largest object of its type in the known universe and one of the most massive ever observed. Aquila Nebulosity, a glowing red cloud from which extrasolar comets have come, is another important part of the Big Closet that lies beyond the Oort Cloud. Columba Star Cluster, discovered by Italian astronaut Giuseppe Pinchot in 1999 (the year that the European Space Agency launched its Spritzel Space Telescope.) Delta Mensae Object, an open star cluster arrayed around a neutron star. La Bretonian Star Cluster, is the closest one of its kind to to Earth. It is so dense that it would be a good candidate for the Large-Scale Meteor Event (LSME). Lacerta Star Cluster, 14 million light years away. Contains the Gold Nugget Nebula and several stellar nurseries. Lanerva Star Cluster, a small star cluster that was once the home of star formation, but is now a cold fusion furnace. The cluster is an ellipsoid. Leaping Nacho Nebula, located in the constellation Libra. Lepus Galaxy Supercluster, 4843 million light years away. Little Hoop Nebula in Crux, a diffuse planetary nebula, is another massive object not far from our Solar System. The Chandra X-ray Observatory and its instruments have helped researchers estimate its size and composition. Musca Void, 4546 million light years away. A nearly empty part of space with no galaxies or molecular clouds. Nu Pavonis Cloud Complex, contains two powerful radio jets that may be coming from a pulsar buried within the dust clouds. Pisces 5, also known as the Cupcake Nebula, a large nebula with several dust clouds one of which looks like the silhouette of a cream-filled cupcake. It lies in the center of a massive star forming cloud cluster that has a black hole. The HMM-2000 Chandra mission has been investigating this cluster for more than 35 years. V-10, also known as the Vindication Point, is a mass of dense matter orbiting the Sun beyond the Kuiper Belt. |