This billnote features native decorative elements and a bird of paradise which are endemic to the large, rugged island.
Some of the first human beings ever to leave Africa colonized southeast Asian tens of thousands of years ago, using continental land bridges for transit as the sea was much lower. Since the end of the Ice Age, the islands were isolated; but the beginning of recorded history brought more visitors, among them Indians andĀ Chinese; Dutch, Portuguese and Islamic traders; American military personnel, and Christian missionaries. Personal names of modern Papua New Guinea are a hodgepodge of all of these. It’s as common to find a Mohammad or Jennifer there as a native language name fromĀ centuries ago, or some new creation blending all of them. In that spirit, I came up with these randomgenned names based off recent birth records.
Papua New Guinea Names
Aherinka Bensa Effi Egrilka Ehya Emotki Ewylud Frengiwen Giva Huleen Huli Jikira Lekaika Lesfuni Moivanki Mutheleen Namwen Nidya Oktla Pashoti Saireela Sanei Sumleen Tapaika Veava Welena Yamyaika Yilva |
Akkelud Darsri Eknaik Erimtag Fuwati Henlei Husvar Jamwek Kistojan Kopka Lukti Luttah Mohamti Molomnan Namjulud Paksatwei Ratist Sandorsmai Sipeti Sipud Sumeah Tarfan Toltah Welbeen Yahava Yailka Yparal Yshota |