Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/17/24: Narniaworld, Part 3 (Narnia LVI)

Christmas High Tea is a popular event during the holiday season at Narniaworld.

Theme parks need more than just rides, food, and crowd control. Shows, special events, seasonal attractions, and wandering performers keep customers coming back.

In this Narniaworld has a leg up on its competitors. While creating this post I realized the books contain all sorts of seasonal themes that could be adapted as entertainment… especially Christmas, given the original book. I expect Narniaworld to be the most popular attraction in the world because of this. But there are also aspects that could be adapted for Halloween frights, spring celebrations, and summer frolics, such as the River Gods’ Romp. (I picture this as a Cirque de Soleil performance, but with water.)

And of course there would be all sorts of shows — daily and seasonal — as well as wandering performers. Narniaworld could take on aspects of a Ren Fair in the summer months, which would only add to its popularity.

ChatGPT suggested the ice show and Coronation as attractions, but all the rest here are by me.


Narniaworld Shows and Events

Christmas Tea with Tumnus A special holiday-themed British High Tea (5 – 7pm) taking place from the last week in November through the first week of the New Year with special Christmas treats like roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, gingerbread, mince pies, and Eccles cakes, with party hats to wear and Christmas crackers to break open. Reservations encouraged.
Coronation of the Kings and Queens Happens every day at noon on the terrace of Cair Paravel. A parade featuring trumpeters, musicians, and Narnian creatures begins at the far end of the park, followed by an animatronic Aslan in his carriage and Peter, Susan, Edmond, and Lucy in theirs. The four thrones are brought out and there is a brief ceremony followed by dancing in which the audience can join in with the actors giving lessons.
Dark Island Narniaworld’s Halloween 2024 attraction. Guests walking the park after dark are confronted by their worst fears like giant pairs of scissors, faceless clawed monsters, and hags, witches and ghouls from the White Witch’s castle before they enter the shadow island themed area. (Previous Halloween attractions were The Dead World of Charn and Miraz’s Haunted Dungeon.)
Father Christmas He listens to wishes from children every day during the holiday season before Christmas, accompanied by his sleigh, two live reindeer, and sometimes a camel. Photos are available.
King Lune’s Minstrels A trio of Tudor musicians who play English folk songs. I picture them wandering the park and entertaining  wherever there’s a long line or people gathered.
The Lady of the Green Kirtle She wanders the park singing Medieval ballads and playing her mandolin.
Narnia on Ice A seasonal show held over the winter holidays in a tented area where professional ice skaters recreate pivotal scenes from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe with laser effects, smoke, and pyrotechnics.
River God’s Romp This water extravaganza takes place daily in summer on the shores of the great river. Acrobatics, feats of diving, and water sport stunts are presented by performers dressed as naiads and other water spirits.
Waking of the Trees
This event takes place when the park opens up for spring. There is a dryad parade with flower-decorated floats and park is blooming with spring bulbs. At the end, Pomona herself comes to bless the orchard at Cair Paravel. Vendor carts along the way sell flower garlands and fresh-cut tree branches for guests to wave.


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