Erotica, fantasy, and horror writer.

Most commented posts

  1. The Worm Ouroboros
    [Reading Challenge 2018]
  2. The Lady of the Green Kirtle (Part I) — 5 comments
  3. The Wild Lands of the North
    (and a bit about Giants)
  4. All Things Charn (Part I) — 4 comments
  5. Worldbuilding Wednesday 8/30/17: Mundane Fare — 3 comments

Author's posts


Not all the great pachyderms became extinct. Some turned into ghouls. (Dumbo by Austen Mengler)  


This is one out-of-body experience that must not be repeated.   (Art by Shintaro Kago)


Appearing as a wild horse flayed alive, the Nuckalavee is the most horrible of all the demons of the Scottish islands. Its name may be the origin of “Old Nick” a moniker often used for Satan.   (Art by Ambersandj on

MASHED Pre-order

MASHED anthology, Grivante Press, 2017

You may now pre-order MASHED, the anthology I am featured in, on Amazon. Click, click, click on this link…. You can can also enter this book giveaway contest to get it for free! It includes a bunch of other horror books as well. Here’s a short excerpt of my story, “Arabica,” to get you in …

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The Rose

We may suffer for love, but few want to die for it.   (Photo by Yung Chen Lin)

In the Sewer

You didn’t want to see this. Now that you have, you can’t unsee it. YOU NEVER SAW IT.   (Art by Pascal Blanché)

Dark Visitor

She’s not leaving any time soon.   (Image from Xuh on deviantArt)

The Secret Life of Rats

The rats know not what they do. Seriously, I think this picture is hilarious even though I’m respectful, for the most part, of religious imagery. If the Mickey had a more Christ-like expression on his face, that would be crossing the line for me. But as it is, it’s just goofy.


She never thought she’d turn into a Werecrow zombie.

Gilgamesh [Reading Challenge 2017]

Gilgamesh Adapted by Stephen Mitchell Freepress, 2004 [Challenge # 11: A book written before 1700] Gilgamesh is one of the oldest pieces of fiction in human history. I chose it to read for the “Ye Olde Book Shoppe” — a book written before 1700, which Gilgamesh certainly qualifies for — segment of my reading challenge. …

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