Erotica, fantasy, and horror writer.

Most commented posts

  1. The Worm Ouroboros
    [Reading Challenge 2018]
  2. The Lady of the Green Kirtle (Part I) — 5 comments
  3. The Wild Lands of the North
    (and a bit about Giants)
  4. All Things Charn (Part I) — 4 comments
  5. Worldbuilding Wednesday 8/30/17: Mundane Fare — 3 comments

Author's posts

Worldbuilding Wednesday 9/27/23: Welsh I

Want to make your fantasy world really fantasyish? Add in some -wyns,  -yrs, -wys, with a sprinkling of  gws and lls, just like the characters and places in The Mabinogion, a collection of Welsh folktales written down in the 14th century. Based on oral traditions that were older, they served as the basis for modern …

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Summer of Narnia Ends

It looks like another Summer of Narnia has come and gone. It’s been fun!

King Tirian

One of the rare pieces of Tirian fanart that I’ve come across.

Worldbuilding Wednesday 9/20/23: Shades of Orange

Orange is a color that literally didn’t exist in the English language before the 16th century. When people wanted to describe an orange hue, they used word composites like yellow-red or red-gold, or sometimes saffron. Only after Portuguese merchants began to import orange trees to Europe did the shade receive a name. In France the …

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Mapping Narnia Anew

I thought I had seen all the maps of Narnia that there were to see, but I was wrong. Let’s take a look at this incredible one, which was posted on Reddit by its creator, DeFlame. Click on it to see the full version in all its glory. I emphasize this is NOT the Narnia …

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Narnian Witches: Jadis (AI Remix)

  Now we come to my favorite part of this Summer of Narnia: AI depictions of Jadis.

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Young Prince Rilian

Young Prince Rilian, the official portrait, painted shortly before he disappeared. Not exactly Medieval clothes, but they’re fanciful enough to be Narnian.

Narnia Fundament and Firmament (Part I)

Or, Narnia above and below. Hold onto your hats, folks, for it’s going to be a rocky ride… Now we come to tricky part of mapping out the world of Narnia – the skies above, and what’s underground. Both areas are magical and not limited by the geography and physics of our world. Both contain …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 9/6/23: Let’s Talk About Bism (Narnia L)

The Land of Bism appears in The Silver Chair. It is a magical land made of  molten rock shaped into terrestrial life, where gems grow on trees and there are streams and waterfalls of liquified ores. I’ve heard it said that the name came from the word abysmal, a descriptor of great depth; but, frankly, …

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The Green Witch’s Bento Box

As long as we’re doing Narnian bento boxes, how about ones for specific Narnian characters? Like The Lady of the Green Kirtle. You can interpret it either as something she might serve to guests, or one that’s merely inspired by her, intended to be served up at a Narnian theme park. Like all the AI …

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