Erotica, fantasy, and horror writer.

Most commented posts

  1. The Worm Ouroboros
    [Reading Challenge 2018]
  2. The Lady of the Green Kirtle (Part I) — 5 comments
  3. The Wild Lands of the North
    (and a bit about Giants)
  4. All Things Charn (Part I) — 4 comments
  5. Worldbuilding Wednesday 8/30/17: Mundane Fare — 3 comments

Author's posts

Jadis Steals the Apple

Below, several illustrations showing Jadis caught  in the act of stealing a Silver Apple from the book The Magician’s Nephew. This isn’t a scene that’s popular with artists so it was my fortune to find several. Casually she plucks and bites. He costume is similar to the Pauline Baynes drawing. Note that this scene wasn’t …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 8/7/24: Werewolves and Hags (Narnia LIX)

One of the things I dislike about Prince Caspian is that, after many, many, centuries, hags and werewolves are still around, even though Lewis told us they had been eliminated at the end of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Seems like someone didn’t do the job they were supposed to. Nevertheless, they’re there, …

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Narnia’s Mystery Map

I came across this back cover in a search for Narnia images a few weeks ago. It was in connection with The Magician’s Nephew, but since there was no front cover I wasn’t sure, and the file original jpeg was titled in alphanumeric gibberish. But, since the publisher’s name was there, I did another search. …

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The White Witch Returns, Celebrity Edition

Let’s look at some more White Witch depictions — and Snow Queens, Ice Princesses, Winter Maidens, and the like — that have been modeled by celebrities. Once I started looking, there were far more than I realized. And not all of them were female… but that’s gonna warrant it’s own separate post! First, a classic. …

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An Eight-Legged Aslan?

No… it’s just a whimsical illustration for a French edition of Thuvia, Maid of Mars, by Edgar Rice Burroughs, depicting a Martian banth (apex carnivore resembling a multilegged lion. )

Edmund’s Bargain

“More Turkish Delight, please. THEN I’ll tell you about my siblings, beginning with the oldest one.”

Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/31/24: Narniaworld, Part 5 (Narnia LVIII)

Here is where everything else about Narniaworld goes… lodging, amenities, and non-ride attractions, all of which add to a park’s appeal. In making up this list, I put in what I’d like to see in a theme park. You can think of this as tying everything else together… lodging and services for guests, what guests …

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Aslan Shows His Colorful Side

Posters for theatrical productions of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe usually adhere to traditional imagery for the book: trees, snow, lamppost, wardrobe, faun, in wintry colors like pale blue, black, and gray. But this one, for a London production, goes bold with rainbow hues for Aslan and his mane.  

The Product
[Reading Challenge 2024]

The Product by Marina Fontaine Conservatarian Press, 2022 [ #23  After the fall: A post-apocalyptic or dystopic book. ] This book kept popping up in my Kindle feed, so I chose it for the “Dystopia” category of this year’s challenge. It occurred to me when writing this review that “Russian Dystopia” is perhaps a subset, …

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Russian and Ukrainian Editions of The Chronicles

In looking up foreign editions of the Chronicles I came across some unique editions that were published in Russia and Ukraine. You can consider this post a companion to The Return of the White Witch: Russian Edition. The three books above, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Horse and His Boy, and The …

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