Category: Fantasy

The Lady and the Dragon, Part I

One thing I have realized this month, with its emphasis on humanoid dragon girls, is the fevered power of female sexual imagination. For most of the Western world dragons have been long been creatures of evil and corruption, yet modern artists are making them over into blazing paragons of female beauty. How I would have …

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Ravishingly Reptilian

Even dragons like to go on vacation.   (Summer Fun: The Dragons, by Luvythicus)  

Worldbuilding Wednesday 9/19/18: Individual Dragons III

The earliest edition of  Dungeons and Dragons released in the late 1970s listed only ten different types of dragons for adventurers to test themselves against. The good-aligned ones were Metallic: Copper, Brass, Bronze, Silver, and Gold, while the evil ones were Chromatic and named after colors: Black, White, Blue, Red, and Green. Each type had …

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Dragon Hybrids That Didn’t Make the Cut

Evil sorcerers are known for their meddling in the dark arts, and that includes the creation of new and novel  dragon breeds. But not all of them made it into the dark army or evil fortress. The lobster dragon tasted delicious on toast. They were slaughtered by the thousands. The cow dragon could give no …

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Saucily Scaled

Glamour, thy name is Draco Terribilis.

The Pernese Dragon

Anne McCaffrey’s Pern series  put dragons on the map in the science fiction and fantasy world as both plausible alien creatures and the brand-spanking-new fantasy trope of the all-knowing, intelligent animal companion. The first two stories, “Weyr Search” and “Dragonrider” were published in Analog magazine in 1967; they later were incorporated into the first Pern …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 9/12/18: Individual Dragons II

In the fantasy world, you can pretty much combine any any other animal into a creature and still call it a dragon. Dragon turtles are the terrors of AD&D maritime kingdoms. A Chinese dragon/lhasa apso hybrid featured strongly in The NeverEnding Story movie. And as I’ll continue to do on my site for September, there …

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Fetchingly Fanged

Cyguvid spent her days in luxury being fed bunches of grapes by her slaves. Then she ate the slaves too.  

Americus [Review]

Americus by M. K. Reed and Jonathan Hill First Second, 2011 Dragons make an appearance in this graphic novel about the dangers of censorship in that the book-in-a-book under fire features a “wytch” protagonist who is half-dragon… leading to cries of bestiality from the Christian far right! Americus is based on a controversy of some …

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Devastatingly Draconian

Portrait of a very wicked lady.