Category: Fresh News

What's been going on lately

Baby Cthulhu

Now you can crochet your own Baby Cthulhu! The pattern maker is from Ukraine, and by purchasing the pattern, you will be giving a besieged citizen some much-needed support.

Lovecraft March

Inspired by my re-reading of At the Mountains of Madness, I declare Lovecraft March! Worldbuilding  notes, reviews, and essays to follow.  

Reading Challenge 2022

My Authors Water Cooler Reading Challenge selections for 2022. The rules are: out of a list of 50 categories, the participant chooses 12, the idea being you read one a month, more as extra credit if you’re ambitious. My challenges for 2021 and 2020 were, I’m sad to say, a bust. In 2020 I got …

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Merry Christmas!

Hurray for Mrs. Claus

Mrs. Claus is a second-string character in the annual Christmas story, behind Santa himself, his elves, and his reindeer. She is usually depicted as elderly, smiling dispenser of cookies. Except when she’s not. In the pic above she’s a vicious ax murderer (in advertising art for the Christmas horror flick Mrs. Claus) while below, she’s …

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Whatcha Dune?

Projected poster art for Jodorowsky’s Dune, the movie that never was. Paul Atreides/Muad’dib is at center. The names of the designers are at lower left, and if you follow their work, you can pinpoint what elements of the illustration they worked on: Foss the spacecraft, Giger the sandworm, Moebius the characters and perhaps that landscape. …

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Choose Your Weapon

You’re stranded in Medieval Russia and can only pick one. Which is it?

Another Summer of Narnia

x Yes, it’s going to be another Summer of Narnia here on my blog! I’ll be tying up some loose ends from last year’s Summer of Narnia, as well as introducing new topics and insights I’ve found since then. Keep visiting!

Worldbuilding Wednesday 3/17/21: The Best of Twittersnips (Off the Map)

You have to look closely at this map until it begins to look a little familiar…. (It’s Europe with water and land masses reversed and relabeled as new countries.) Like the map, here’s some places that currently don’t exist, but could.   Imaginary Places German  cities / towns Ulmesslen, Münrach, Spargán, Amsprechtdanberg, Munsilacht Icelandic  cities …

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Reading Challenge 2021

“I particularly enjoyed the fable about the Leopard changing his spots.”   My Authors Water Cooler Reading Challenge selections for 2021. Out of a list of 50 categories, the participant chooses 12, the idea being you read one a month. I hope I do better at this year’s than last year’s. Last year, it seemed …

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