Category: Fresh News

What's been going on lately

Private Island

” After 2 weeks of multiple health screens and asking everyone to quarantine   [ * titters girlishly * ]  I surprised my closest inner circle with a trip to a private island where we could pretend things were normal just for a brief moment in time. ” Yup. May history bless the Kardashians with …

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Farewell to Narnia

Guess I can’t stretch this summer out any further, can I? It’s time to say farewell to Narnia, at least for this year. I still have some articles to finish and will be doing that.

Summer of Narnia

There’s a lot of upsetting stuff going on in the world right now. COVID-19. Racism. Unemployment. So, to preserve my own sanity, this summer I’m going to go back to where it all began for me, as a writer and a fantasy fan — Narnia. There will be posts on the books, my opinions of …

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The Mask is the Thing.

To mask or not to mask? In this time of Coronavirus, it is clearly to mask. Which has generated a richness of memes.             You may be thinking, these images aren’t so horrible, are they? True. But that is exactly why they are horrible. Because they make us laugh.

Reading Challenge 2020

My Authors Water Cooler reading challenge list for 2020. Out of a list of 50 categories, the participant chooses 12, the idea being you read one a month.   Cobalt Jade’s 2020 Reading Challenge List 2.    Armchair voyages: A book taking place somewhere you have always wanted to go, but have never been. Henry Lawson’s …

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2019 Reading Challenge Conclusion

Like 2018 and 2017, it’s been a mixed bag; but I must say that by challenging myself I am reading books that I never would otherwise, like reading Lolita in Tehran and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It’s also given my the opportunity to tackle those I was thinking about reading but never have, …

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Reading Challenge 2019 Update

All the books I’ve read for my 2019 Reading Challenge up to July, with ratings and links. 4. What you will read to your grandchildren: A children’s book (middle grade or younger). A Swiftly Tilting Planet, by Madeleine L’engle. 5. East meets West: A book taking place in Asia (Turkey to Japan, Siberia to Vietnam) …

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Alternative Truths III: Endgame Released

My short story “Gold and Ivory” appears at the end of this marvelous collection!     Alternative Truths III: Endgame is the final volume in the best-selling Alternative Truths series from B Cubed Press. Edited by Bob Brown and Jess Faraday, Endgame features 30 of today’s best writers and political thinkers taking a look forward …

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Notre Dame

I was lucky enough to visit Notre Dame cathedral as a child. It was August, the time when Parisians traditionally took their own vacations, and the city was quieter than it normally was. I went with my mom and dad. I remember it being shadowy and cool inside, the noises muffled. It seemed impossibly high. …

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“Gold and Ivory” at the UW Bookstore

On March 29, 2019 I will be reading an excerpt from my short story “Gold and Ivory” at the UW Bookstore in Seattle. The story is from B-Cubed Press’s Alternative Truths III: Endgame anti-Trump anthology. The event starts at 7 pm. Hope to see you there!