Category: Fresh News

What's been going on lately

Year of the Pig – 2019

(Artwork by sarasai-d) In Chinese culture, pigs represent wealth, rather than filth and laziness as is common in the Western world. People born in the year of the pig are generous, charity-minded, social, friendly, and have a zest for life. Not too bad for the last sign of the Chinese zodiac!

Reading Challenge 2019

It’s the time to clean out my To-Read drawer and boxes for this year’s Challenge. Mostly the drawer and the first box I got my hands on. I’m hoping this year’s list will be easier than last year’s. One of the attributes I have to keep in mind for these 12 months is that a …

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2018 Reading Challenge Conclusion

This year’s Challenge was full of challenging (read: Difficult) reads for me. Of the twelve here three were substitutions for books I had to drop for various reasons. I think I should have vetted the originals better. As a reader, most of my choices surprised and delighted me. As a writer, the good ones showed …

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September is Dragon Month

I’ve got a confession to make. At a certain point in my development, I drew dragon anthros. Dressed in designer gowns, their hairstyles, dress designers, and favorite colors, animals, and perfumes all lovingly detailed. They were posed in the manner of the models on my mom’s Singer sewing patterns, most often carefree and swinging their …

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The Cool Girl

The Cool Girl A horror trifle I wrote in two hours, flexing my Lovecraft muscles. Slightly NSFW.   Lexi wanted to be one of the cool kids at Miskatonic Prep. The Cool didn’t call themselves that, of course. The not-cool had named them that. The Cool had the latest clothing, the hottest haircuts, the most …

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2018 Reading Challenge Update

It’s the midpoint of the year already, and half the books on the list are finished and rated. I’ve gotta say 2018 had some tough ones that stretched my reading comprehension and attention span, not to mention free time. Three were worth it, one was not (Twilight) and I have the feeling it’ll be more …

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Transformed Anthology

Nothing is quite so deliciously freeing as caving to your instincts.For centuries, shapeshifters have personified our impulse to bow to our animalistic nature. From lycans to skin-walkers and everything in between, shapeshifters give us a chance to connect with our inner-selves and celebrate our intriguing differences, our passions, and ultimately our humanity through their necessity …

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What really lies under the upholstery? Have you checked?   (Art by Cao Hui)  

Reading Challenge 2018

It’s January again, so it’s time for another reading challenge courtesy of Authors Water Cooler. The Challenge consists of a list of 50 categories/subjects for a book, 12 of which we can choose with the option of extra credit if we finish early. Some categories are new, some were carried over from last year. Last …

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Published in Cadaverous Magazine

    My nanofic story “Garden Time” can be read in this issue of Cadaverous Magazine. At six words it will take you all of one second to read it. (Nanofic is what I call a story under 10 words, as opposed to microfic, which is under 50, and flash fiction, under 500)