The little children couldn’t wait for Krampus to arrive spreading joy and fear.
Category: Fresh News
MASHED Audiobook Now Available!
Arabica for Audiophiles My short story, Arabica, about the erotic nature of how to brew a good cuppa joe, is now available for your listening pleasure in the audiobook version of MASHED, available on There are also food-related sexy stories from other fine authors. Remember, that if you don’t have a subscription (yet) you …
Book Bingo at the Seattle Public Library
Do you like read a lot in the summer, and live in Seattle? The Seattle Public Library is hosting a book bingo, where you read some books in the categories printed on the card, and then turn it in in September with your comments. The contest runs between May 17 and September 5. Drop off …
The Lonely Apollo Pioneers
Returning last week from a trip to Florida, I have to say the highlight of my trip was seeing, at last, Kennedy Space Center. For a child of my generation this was a place that gained its initial familiarity on B&W TV screens (or color, in wooden consoles, if you were well-off or indulgent) with …
MASHED Pre-order
You may now pre-order MASHED, the anthology I am featured in, on Amazon. Click, click, click on this link…. You can can also enter this book giveaway contest to get it for free! It includes a bunch of other horror books as well. Here’s a short excerpt of my story, “Arabica,” to get you in …
Immigration and Easter Animals
As a writer of the profane and fantastic (erotica, horror, fantasy, science fiction) I often take inspiration from the world around me and from the amazing city I live in. But there is no way I can turn the following news into a story, because it’s just so indicative of the current regime’s vile policies. …
Cobalt Jade’s Tax Tips: Lifetime Learning Credit
I am starting a series today dealing with federal tax tips for freelance writers and artists. Many times those working independently aren’t aware of the deductions and tax breaks they may be able to receive in a complicated and overwhelming, but surprisingly fair, system. In this post I will look at the Lifetime Learning Credit, …
Reading Challenge 2017
Inspired by the fine folks at the Writers Water Cooler forums, I have taken on a reading challenge for this year, my first ever. As a writer, I tend to not read a lot of fiction when I’m working, but of course as writers we must read, just to see how other writers do things, …
Erotica vs. Romance: The Covers
The romance covers post got me thinking. How do plain old erotica book covers stack up to the waxed and buff male torso that signifies a hot read? Let’s see. I’m going to start with A. N. Roquelaure’s Sleeping Beauty Trilogy, which is the porniest mainstream book I know, chockablock with kink, and one that …
Outlander Coloring Book
Combining two red-hot publishing trends of the moment, Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series has been adapted into an adult coloring book. Which tickles my funnybone to no end because of its marketing savvy. Adult users of coloring books are referred to as colorists, according to Dover Publications, which has been publishing wonderful, high-quality coloring books for …