Category: Humor

Funny things

Worldbuilding Wednesday 2/12/20: Rejected Transformers

As the picture above ** suggests, some Transformers just never made the grade. Since part of the fun of them are those oh-so-easily parodied names, here’s a list of those Autobots and Decepticons who never should have been born. I’ll call them Aborticons.   Aborticons Cosmiclutter Dirtbag Lumplizard Dinofart Kittenstrike Hysteridemic Crunkbrawl Skysnort Menhonk Hypimple …

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Go away, don’t bug me.

Artwork by Dan Hillier

Worldbuilding Wednesday 2/5/20: Transformers

Do you know American President Ronald Reagan is to thank for the success of the Transformers franchise? In the early 1980s Hasbro executives noticed a line of Japanese toys called the Diaclones, which were robots that transformed into vehicles. They thought the concept had merit, so the company licensed them to be sold in the …

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Most people know the term Airbender from the anime, but it’s also English slang meaning one who has just laid a big fart.


The industrialized world depended on rubber once. There was rubber everywhere. But then, one day, it came to life.

The Suitor

Apparantly he was a cold fish. (Artwork by Randy Mora)

Turn to the Left

FASHION! Turn to the left… no, right… aw hell with it.

Santa’s Strange Appetite

HO-HO-HO  no.

Horrible Christmas Album Covers

Croation pop singer Kićo makes a pretty glum Santa on the cover of this album, often cited as one of the worst Christmas album covers ever made. He doesn’t even convey the solemnity of a traditional Father Christmas. He’s just… there. Hungover, or wallowing in existential despair.  His version of “Jingle Bells” featuring a banjo …

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Welcome, Winter.

An early 20th century representation of a Scandinavian frost giant, from the silent movie Conquest of the Pole  by French film pioneer Georges Méliès.  To me the creature looks more like a goofy Russian ventriloquist’s dummy.  Which is no less horrible than a bloodthirsty spirit to my eye, but probably not what the director intended.