Category: Humor

Funny things


Most people know the term Airbender from the anime, but it’s also English slang meaning one who has just laid a big fart.


The industrialized world depended on rubber once. There was rubber everywhere. But then, one day, it came to life.

The Suitor

Apparantly he was a cold fish. (Artwork by Randy Mora)

Turn to the Left

FASHION! Turn to the left… no, right… aw hell with it.

Santa’s Strange Appetite

HO-HO-HO  no.

Horrible Christmas Album Covers

Croation pop singer Kićo makes a pretty glum Santa on the cover of this album, often cited as one of the worst Christmas album covers ever made. He doesn’t even convey the solemnity of a traditional Father Christmas. He’s just… there. Hungover, or wallowing in existential despair.  His version of “Jingle Bells” featuring a banjo …

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Welcome, Winter.

An early 20th century representation of a Scandinavian frost giant, from the silent movie Conquest of the Pole  by French film pioneer Georges Méliès.  To me the creature looks more like a goofy Russian ventriloquist’s dummy.  Which is no less horrible than a bloodthirsty spirit to my eye, but probably not what the director intended.

Jimmy’s Got a Problem

Jimmy Olsen, Superman’s pal, got up to all sorts of trouble in the 1950s, so much so that he had his own comic. This was one of the milder issues. Note the comics authority code at the upper right, probably the reason why such bizarre storylines became commonplace — violence and mayhem had become definite …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 11/20/19: Minor Magical Items

Some magical items are very useful to the recipient. Some are cursed, or useless. But more often than not they have a minor kind of magic, helpful in a certain situation. Here are some of those items.   Minor and Mundane Magical Items The Wizard Kift’s Small Dirt-kicking Satyr: A diminuitive statue of a satyr …

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Face the Facts

And everything else, for that matter.