Don’t you hate when that happens?
Category: Humor
News from Planet LoCarb
I receive a smorgasbord of robot-generated spam on this site, most of which I delete. But every once in a while a receive a gem so perfect, so diamond-like in its sheer garbled incompetentness, that I have to share it. This one read like a randomly constructed SF novel. He was still stuck on thats …
Santa Horror
Since the 18th century, when images of Santa Claus began to be disseminated through newspapers, books, and periodicals, his appearance has changed quite a bit. Often those earlier depictions are a tad grotesque, as much for what was considered appealing at the time as the skill of the artist and the means of reproduction. When …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 10/31/18: Gothic Mansions
It’s Halloween. And what better way to celebrate than by visiting a spooky old mansion? Old castles, manses, and abbeys are a mainstay of Gothic literature. Manderlay, in Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca, is practically its own character, along with its housekeeper. And who can forget “The Great House of Collinwood” mentioned at the beginning …