Category: Humor

Funny things

Jimmy’s Stage Threads

Jimmy ordered these suits for the second half of Led Zeppelin’s 1977 American tour, but they were never worn because that leg of the tour was cancelled. They’ve since been preserved for posterity, along with his Dragon suit, at the Met. No, not really.  

It Suits Bonzo Well

  In spite all of John Bonham’s drunken misbehavior on tour it’s impossible to find any picture of him where he looks caught in the act.  Robert and Jimmy mug and often get snapped in less-than-flattering poses, and John Paul Jones can look ridiculous on occasion, but Bonham just hangs. It’s like he doesn’t want …

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Johning his Paul until it Joneses

Led Zeppelin bass player/keyboardist John Paul Jones, at home, early 1970s.

Percy’s Bustle in the Hedgerow

If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow, don’t be alarmed now It’s just a spring clean for the May Queen

Jimmy Page’s Pants

Cartoon by Nicola Rivka. I’ll post some more of her stuff when I get around to Zeptoons.

Worldbuilding Wednesday 5/17/23: Let’s Talk About Led Zeppelin

As in, why did the band pick that name anyway? Logic might tell you it comes from a long line of band names that change one or two letters of an ordinary word to become something wacky and eye-catching. As in The Beatles, The Monkees, The Byrds, Cyrcle, Def Leppard (a Led Zeppelin imitator if …

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Father of the Four Winds

Oh Father of the Four Winds fill my sails… A young Robert Plant blows some gentle breezes in this evocative illustration by Morgan Rogers. Unfortunately her site is retired and not being updated, but the Zep artwork is still there. A scanned page from the artist’s sketchbook. There’s a quality to her work that is …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 3/15/23: Cults

Cults can be amusing, or terrifying. The quintet of fellows above date from the early 1970s, members of a West Coast cult called The Source that even had its own rock group, of which they might be the members (or perhaps Doug Henning wannabees?) Note their similarity in costume to pictures of Aleister Crowley done …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 1/11/23: Jewish Delis

New York City is famous for its Jewish delicatessens, with Katz’s still being the oldest and the best known. This particular kind of eatery sprang up in the late 1800s when German immigrants began to settle in lower Manhattan.  The food was decidedly Teutonic: sauerkraut, pickles, cold cuts, sausages. Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe later …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 1/4/23: Best of Twittersnips 2022 (Magic Items)

My favorite Twittersnip magic items of 2022.   2022 Magic Items Anzha’s Bubble: This glass bubble measures 2” and constantly shifts colors. When held in the palm, it induces memories of the most tranquil place the holder ever visited, inducing in them calm and peace. Bag of the Banshee: This cursed sack screams loudly whenever …

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