Category: Visual essay

Zepped Again! (Part I)

Here’s another topic carried over from last year’s Led Zeppelin May, which I wanted to get to then, but didn’t: the band’s influence on popular culture over the years. First, take this quartet of demon-like monsters from the manga and later anime Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. The four are named, respectively, Page, Jones, Plant, and Bornnam …

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Why I hate the Nirvana smiley face logo

I’m sure you’ve seen it on someone’s t-shirt: a roughly drawn smiley face with X’s instead of eyes and a protruding tongue. Together with the word Nirvana in its distinctive, elongated typeface – the font is Onyx, a popular one in the early 1990s – the effect on the viewer is striking. Right away the …

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AI and the Window to the Multiverse

  One of the things that fascinates me about visual AI generations is how they allow one to peek into the multiverse. Not the real multiverse, mind you. That hasn’t been proved to exist. But an illusion of a multiverse, with different products, people, animals and buildings, all skewed greatly or slightly from our own …

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Narnian Witches: The Lady of the Green Kirtle (AI Remix)

Let’s see what AI does with this poisonous green lady. For example, bringing her into the 1970s. OF COURSE she’d have an electric guitar as her instrument of choice! That said, this one looks like a still from the movie flop Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, the one that starred the Bee Gees and …

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Scenes of Narnia I

Here I thought I’d present a selection of AI-generated images that to me seem to be from the books. The cave of the Bulgey Bears (Prince Caspian) Cair Paravel on a stormy night (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe) The Northern Moors (The Silver Chair) Mt. Pire in the Archenland mountains (The Horse and …

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Narnian Witches: Jadis

Now we come to my favorite part of the Summer of Narnia — posting endless depictions of my favorite character, Queen Jadis, late of Charn. (She’s the same person as the White Witch, but Queen of Charn is her first incarnation, so to speak.) There have been many stage productions of The Magician’s Nephew over …

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Narnian Witches: The White Witch (AI Remix)

Or  “The Persistence of the Big-Ass Crown.” AI art engines have come a long way since last summer, which is when I started using them — being sick at home with COVID was the perfect excuse. They’re also a neat way to visualize a character using your own prompts. Such as, what would The White …

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Zeptoons, Part 2

On to the second part of my Zeptoons series. There is much more to explore on Deviantart, including these toons by artist and writer electricsorbet, who, like her compatriot Nicola Rivka, mines LZ and other bands for worshipful and often satirical content. In her art she concentrates on the darker side of LZ: Jimmy’s heroin …

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Zeptoons, Part 1

Now we come to the part of Zep May I have been so excited about. Zeptoons! Done by fans, in loving homage to the band. The one above depicts an incident from a real-life concert where live doves were released, one happening to fly right into Robert’s hand. But the artist turns it into more …

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AI Art Adventures: Thangka Lions

A thangka is a Tibetan religious panting depicting a Buddhist deity or concept. It’s usually done on fabric in bright pigments. To my surprise, I generated a dozen of these using the following prompt: Lion, human head of Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo, who is credited with bringing Buddhism to Tibet in the late Eighties. The …

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