Jadis’s sister and her rival for the throne of Charn was never given a name by Lewis. Some fanfic writers have given her one: Jerza, Jade, Cynara, Emeralas, Katilu. In the same spirit, here are are some randomgenned ones, sticking mostly to the Js, and those reminiscent of gems like Emeralas and Jade are. …
Category: Writing
Worldbuilding Wednesday 8/18/21: Narnian Horse Names (Narnia XXVII)
The horses Bree (front, gray dapple) and Hwin (back, brown) are my favorite animal characters from the Chronicles. Not only are they featured throughout the whole of The Horse and His Boy, they play vital roles in the plot. Both were stolen as foals from Narnia and raised in Calormen, where normal non-talking horses …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 8/11/21: Narnian Islands (Narnia XXVI)
If you are like me, you probably wish The Voyage of the Dawn Treader had gone and on, with Caspian and crew exploring ever more exotic places. That book remains unwritten, but here’s some randomly generated islands they might have explored, if they’d had time. Other Islands of Narnia Ashvows: Several Star People live …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 8/4/21: Let’s Talk About Cair Paravel (Narnia XXV)
Just where the land of Narnia met the sea—in fact, at the mouth of the great river—there was something on a little hill, shining. It was shining because it was a castle and of course the sunlight was reflected from all the windows which looked towards Peter and the sunset; but to Peter it looked …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/28/21: Places in Narnia (Narnia XXIV)
One thing Narnia did not have is a lot of human towns. In fact, I can think of only two: the Telmarine settlements of Beruna and Beaversdam. There’s also a town called Chippingford in The Last Battle but whether it is human or not is unclear. There’s also some kind of human settlement around Cair …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/21/21: Coriakin’s Magic Book (Narnia XXIII)
It was written, not printed; written in a clear, even hand, with thick downstrokes and thin upstrokes, very large, easier than print, and so beautiful that Lucy stared at it for a whole minute and forgot about reading it. The paper was crisp and smooth and a nice smell came from it; and in …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/14/21: Witches of the North (Narnia XXII)
“Long, long ago, at the very beginning, a White Witch came out of the North and bound our land in snow and ice for a hundred years. And we think this may be one of the same crew.” This throwaway quote by an anonymous owl in The Silver Chair made me think. Its casual …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/7/21: Seals of the Seven Lords (Narnia XXI)
One of the ways The Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie differs from the book is the role the Seven Lost Lords play. In the book, the lords, who opposed Miraz the Usurper, are exiled and depart on a sea voyage to explore the east, only to disappear; they are the impetus for Caspian to …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 6/30/21: The Green Witch (Narnia XX)
C. S. Lewis’s The Silver Chair featured the second most powerful villainess of the Narnia world: The Green Witch, known by her more popular title of The Lady of the Green Kirtle (a Medieval term for a woman’s petticoat/gown.) She works by subterfuge, can transform into a serpent, has a knowledge of hypnotism and magic …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 6/23/21: The Twins of Archenland (Narnia XIX)
Archenland is a country to the south of Narnia proper (that is, Narnia the nation-state not Narnia the world) and lies between it and Calormen, providing a buffer of sorts. Rather, its mountains provide a buffer. There’s a northern range lying between it and Narnia, and a southern range that provides a barrier to …