The Fall of Númenor
by J. R. R. Tolkien, ed. by Brian Sibley
William Morrow, 2022
[ #23 Pixies and Dryads and Elves, oh my! : A high fantasy ]
I am backposting this review, as I finished the book only a few days before the end of 2024.
Let’s hope 2025 is a little better, eh?
To begin with, let me say I’d never read anything before of the LOTR background material — that is, The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales, etc. I’d assumed it was all way too dry, going by the few glimpses I had over the years. And I do remember when The Silmarillion was first published, way back in 1977. The seismic waves it caused in fantasy fandom led to more and more Tolkien ephemera being released over the years, with Christopher Tolkien acting as father’s curator. But I was never interested enough to dive into it.
However, when the first season of The Rings of Power was released on Netflix, (which I reviewed here) I was happy enough with it to buy The Fall of Númenor, which was released, perhaps, to coincide with and take a ride on the hoopla. However I still found it a little intimidating and wasn’t inspired to crack it open until 2024.
I was pleasantly surprised at how entertaining and readable it was. Like The Silmarillian, The Fall of Númenor is a compilation of material from Tolkien’s copious background writings, the worldbuilding you could say, arranged to show the origin and the end of his equivalent of Atlantis. For me, it enriched and added to the trilogy itself.