* smirk * The 1960s was a time period in which Playboy magazine type humor, the counterculture, and the SFF genre intertwined. Looking to cash in on these various trends, publishers released an astonishing variety of “adult” naughty novels embodying this robust, exploitive stew. The humor ranged from martini-dry to crass (as in the above …
Tag: Art and artists
Two by Tolkien — Foreign Editions of The Hobbit
I recently came across two foreign editions of The Hobbit I haven’t seen before. First, The Little Gnome. I guess the translator didn’t think the made-up word “hobbit” was understandable to Portuguese audiences? That said, I like the cover design. It’s whimsical if misleading — hobbits had nothing to do with mushrooms, except for eating …
Narnia French Editions, 1952 – 1953
Many first edition Narnia books published in other countries had unique, enchanting artwork that was never repeated for further printings. These covers for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (shortened to The Lion and the White Witch) and Prince Caspian have a light, airy, featherweight feel that seems more appropriate for a book of …
Jadis Steals the Apple
Below, several illustrations showing Jadis caught in the act of stealing a Silver Apple from the book The Magician’s Nephew. This isn’t a scene that’s popular with artists so it was my fortune to find several. Casually she plucks and bites. He costume is similar to the Pauline Baynes drawing. Note that this scene wasn’t …
Aslan Shows His Colorful Side
Posters for theatrical productions of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe usually adhere to traditional imagery for the book: trees, snow, lamppost, wardrobe, faun, in wintry colors like pale blue, black, and gray. But this one, for a London production, goes bold with rainbow hues for Aslan and his mane.
Russian and Ukrainian Editions of The Chronicles
In looking up foreign editions of the Chronicles I came across some unique editions that were published in Russia and Ukraine. You can consider this post a companion to The Return of the White Witch: Russian Edition. The three books above, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Horse and His Boy, and The …
Narnia Chinese Editions, Peoples Literature Publishing House, 2018
I found these Chinese translations on Amazon.com during my search for Narnia images. All have artwork I’ve not seen duplicated anywhere else, and I’m guessing it was localized. I think it’s worth examining. First, the cover design of this edition of The Chronicles (I’m assuming it was for the whole series not just the four …