Tag: Fanfic

Bandfics, Part 2

Not every band inspires a busy and passionate fandom. Using Archive of Our Own as a bellwether, I noticed several things by looking at the stats. One is the sheer amount of material. Excluding Elvis (450 stories) most of it dates from bands active from the early 1960s on. There’s no Gene Vincent, Jerry Lee …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 5/10/23: Led Zeppelin Songs

 When it comes to Led Zeppelin songs, their titles recall mostly about one thing: Blues, Blues, Blues. Unlike Beatles songs, they didn’t dabble in storytelling or psychedelia. This makes the song titles themselves not too interesting, but they’re also easy to recreate. Maybe there’s a bootleg of these around somewhere…   Led Zeppelin Songs, what …

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Bandfics, Part 1

When discussing rock band fandoms, there are two types. The first is the “typical” one of love of the music, which also includes listening to albums, attending concerts, and discussing these with other fans who share the same passion. It can run along a scale. At one end are those who buy an album or …

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Zeppedee-doo-dah May: Led Zeppelin Fandom

It’s time for another themed month, and for May it’s… LED ZEPPELIN FANDOM! NOT musical fandom as in discussing the pros and cons of Jimmy Page’s various guitars or the band’s performances over various tours. I mean Led Zeppelin as people, characters, who inspire fiction and artwork, most often by female fans. Ready? Let’s go!

The White Stag, Part 4

What happens to Kings and Queens used to “battles, quests, feats of arms, acts of justice, and the like” when they become children again, left adrift with vague memories of another life? What if any or all of them had refused the White Stag’s “call” (as if it was predestined) and remained in Narnia instead …

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A Child of Charn, Part 2 [Narnia Fanfic]

Part 1 is here ———————————————————————————————————-   A Child of Charn (cont.)   “Come,” Anthen said, taking her arm and leading her out of the crowd. “The rest is just more of the same. It’s best if you don’t witness it.” There is more, Saffla thought numbly. More slaves, more creatures, more chariots and drummers and …

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A Child of Charn, Part 1 [Narnia Fanfic]

  How bad was the Empire of Charn? Very, very, very bad. ———————————————————————————————————-   A Child of Charn   Her mother had told her not to go, but she wanted to see it. Saffla, a common farmers’ daughter of House Tricklewater, Goodworks Farming District Precinct VII of Sadelnon Province — which once, eons ago, had …

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A Year and a Day [Narnia Fanfic]

(While I was writing about Queen Swanwhite a month ago I wondered just what it would mean to leave a reflection of yourself in whatever pool of water you looked into, a reflection that remained for a year after you were gone. The Queen might not care, or those who carried her legend. But for …

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All Things Charn: The Fanfics [Reviews]

  In this post I am taking a detour from Charn to talk about fanfic of Charn. Narnian fanfic has been on the internet for at least two and a half decades, though not in the massive amounts inspired by the Disney live-action movies. The pre-Disney fanfics were based on the books, and far more …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 2/26/20: Transformers Porn (NSFW)

The structure of Transformers names not only opens them up to parody, but also to a certain form of sexual parody. Let’s say somewhere fanfic, artwork and videos most certainly exist with these robots getting it on, or “Knockin’ pistons” as they might say, with all sorts of extraneous apparatus attached to their normally sexless …

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