The Granddaddy of all Fantasy fiction tropes must surely be the Medieval Inn, with its open hearths and wenches in low-cut bodices, unsavory characters lurking about, and bowls of hot stew. (No less a luminary than Tolkien created the seminal template with The Prancing Pony.) In truth, inns served a vital function in the Medieval/Renaissance …
Tag: Fantasy
Worldbuilding Wednesday, 7/19/17: Civic and Community Organizations
Not as glamorous as evil societies or those dedicated to dark magic. But every sizable town and city in a typical Medieval European society has them. There are guilds devoted to workers and tradesmen, merchants’ leagues, secret societies like Freemasons, civic leagues dedicated to improve some aspect of city life, and even rebels lurking below …
Worldbuilding Wednesday, 7/12/17: Organizations Clearly Up to No Good
Fantasy fiction (and science fiction, for that matter) is full of secret societies, thieves’ guilds, Hellfire clubs, and other associations for like-minded individuals. Often these are major drivers of the plot. Frank Herbert’s Dune would not be the same without the Bene Gesserit, or The Wheel of Time series the Aes Sedai. H.P. Lovecraft had …
Worldbuilding Wednesday, 7/5/17: More Magic
I was going to list some ideas for evil societies for this week, but the randomization software needs more tweaking. So here are some more random magic spells and items. More Magic Lamp of Grim Digging: Enables the owner to find and dig up buried bodies quickly and easily. Yungamel’s Levitating Unicorn: Causes a …
Worldbuilding Wednesday, 6/28/17: Pirates!
“Yes, I do heartily repent. I repent I had not done more mischief; and that we did not cut the throats of them that took us, and I am extremely sorry that you aren’t hanged as well as we.” — Anonymous Pirate, asked on the gallows if he repented “I am sorry to see …
Worldbuilding Wednesday, 6/21/17: Magic Users
Continuing on my theme of randomly-generated magic spells items, let’s look at wizards and magic users in fantasy fiction. There are many memorable characters that come to mind, and if there’s one thing they have in common, it’s an unforgettable name. For example, Gandalf the Gray. Short and to the point; and more importantly, much …
Worldbuilding Wednesday, 6/14/17… wait, there’s more! (Spells, that is.)
Because it was just too much damn fun to come up with these. Another selection of free spells to add to your campaign, story, novel, game, comic, whatever. Chantsuma’s Wondrous Cacophony: Creates a mosaic of noise around the target, a mix of music, voices, animal cries, thunder, chants, roaring waves, bird calls, crashing objects, etc. …