Tag: Food and Recipes

Worldbuilding Wednesday 12/20/23: German Christmas Cookies

  It’s not really Christmas unless you eat or bake some sort of traditional German cookie! Like Lebkuchen, better known to the English-speaking world as gingerbread. Pfeffernusses are also popular as well as Spritzgeback, those cookies you pipe through a cookie press to form decorative swirls. In the US they are called Spritzen or simply …

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The Green Witch’s Bento Box

As long as we’re doing Narnian bento boxes, how about ones for specific Narnian characters? Like The Lady of the Green Kirtle. You can interpret it either as something she might serve to guests, or one that’s merely inspired by her, intended to be served up at a Narnian theme park. Like all the AI …

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Narnia Bento Boxes

With the magic of Midjourney, here’s some AI-created Narnia-themed bento boxes! Using a photorealistic style after those posted in Gourmet magazine. This is the first one. Rustic container, Aslan cut-food art (I think it’s daikon radish) in the center, something that looks like Turkish Delight to his upper left. I had specified Narnian foods, thinking …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 1/11/23: Jewish Delis

New York City is famous for its Jewish delicatessens, with Katz’s still being the oldest and the best known. This particular kind of eatery sprang up in the late 1800s when German immigrants began to settle in lower Manhattan.  The food was decidedly Teutonic: sauerkraut, pickles, cold cuts, sausages. Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe later …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 12/21/20: Christmas Cocktails

The Yuletide season brings with it some traditional alcoholic drinks. Grog, mulled wine, hot toddys, wassail, and eggnog are but a few. There’s also lesser known ones, like rumpopo, which is a Mexican liquor equivalent to eggnog. Of course there’s already drinks called The Naughty List and The Nice list, given the barkeeping world’s penchant …

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Don’t Eat the Medusa Christmas Cookies…

Or this might happen to you! …or, more terrifyingly, you may yourself turn into a Christmas cookie…

Medusa Christmas Cookies

Heavy on the chocolate and glitter!  

Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/6/22: Narnian Desserts (Narnia XXXV)

Turkish Delight is THE most iconic dessert, and most iconic food, of all the books in the Chronicles of Narnia, and I’ll put it up there with Lembas as the most iconic fantasy food, period. In fact, most people today would have never heard of it if not for The Lion, the Witch, and the …

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Reindeer Heart

reindeer heart

Fresh, nutritious reindeer heart. If it was Rudolph’s, it would glow. Recipe here.

Worldbuilding Wednesday 10/14/20:The Best of Twittersnips (Food and Drink)

Yes, there is such a thing as beer for dogs. You can buy it here. One of my favorite things to randomize is food. Because it itself is so random — most people don’t know exactly what they’re going to eat that day. They grab a hot dog from a cart on the street, have …

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