Tag: The Silver Chair

Malignment in Emerald [Fanfic]

I realized I didn’t announce this particular fanfic. It’s on AoW. I am tired of this slander. Oh, I suppose I should be flattered that all of Narnia thinks of me as a femme fatale… the cunning, poisonous witch who seduced a crown prince and kept him in my thrall. The lute-playing enchantress who created …

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Narnian Witches: The Lady of the Green Kirtle (AI Remix)

Let’s see what AI does with this poisonous green lady. For example, bringing her into the 1970s. OF COURSE she’d have an electric guitar as her instrument of choice! That said, this one looks like a still from the movie flop Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, the one that starred the Bee Gees and …

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Malice in Jade [Narnia Fanfic]

A Chronicles of Narnia fanfic — NSFW   Malice In Jade   I find such pleasure in tormenting this fool.

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/26/23: Rilian’s Brothers (Narnia XLIV)

  A few days ago, in the Narnia subreddit, I discovered a glaring discrepancy in The Silver Chair I had never noticed before. At the end of The Voyage of The Dawn Treader, Lewis has this to say about Caspian and Ramandu the Star’s Daughter: Caspian married Ramandu’s daughter and they all reached Narnia in …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/19/23: From the Spellbook of the Green Witch (Narnia XLIII)

  The Lady of the Green Kirtle, IMO, is one of Lewis’s most terrifying creations in the Chronicles… so terrifying she doesn’t even get a proper name! Duplicitous, poisonous, beguiling, only when her power is defied does she show her true nature: she morphs into a giant snake that is more dragon than serpent. Her …

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Narnian Witches: The Lady of the Green Kirtle

Now let’s take a look at more depictions of The Lady of the Green Kirtle, aka the poisonous, hypnotic Green Witch. The simple pic at the right puts her in a stuffy Medieval headpiece similar to the one worn by Barbara Kellerman in the 1989 BBC version. But she’s more at ease in it, bending …

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The Lady of the Green Kirtle:
Sisters in Green

Previous parts of this series can be read here (Part I) , here (Part II)  and here (Part III) Now that I’ve established The Lady of the Green Kirtle has Green Fairy lineage, I thought it would be fun to look at some of her cousins, the Green Fairies interpreted by contemporary artists. These images …

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The Lady of the Green Kirtle:
Green as Absinthe

Previous parts of the series can be read here (Part I) and here (Part II) Ever wonder why The Lady of the Green Kirtle — also known as The Green Witch — seems to have little sprigs of greenery decorating her gown and hair in Pauline Baynes’ illustrations of her? Well, it’s because of this. …

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The Lady of the Green Kirtle (Part II)

Green Kirtle = green scales = reptile = poison = poisonous intent, poisonous sexuality, poisonous philosophy. The Green Witch is all about poison. Green-yellow is the color of pustulence, of unhealthy phlegm, pus, the eruptions of an infected wound; it’s the color of insects, snakes, lizards, certain larvae, caterpillars, and amphibians, and centipedes. Creepy-crawlies that …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/14/21: Witches of the North (Narnia XXII)

  “Long, long ago, at the very beginning, a White Witch came out of the North and bound our land in snow and ice for a hundred years. And we think this may be one of the same crew.” This throwaway quote by an anonymous owl in The Silver Chair made me think. Its casual …

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